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Wednesday 28 July 2010

Test your Risk Intelligence

I subscribe to a blog RSS feed from Flux at Future Lab. Today's post is about intelligent risk taking.

What caught my eye was a link to a project called Projection Point which is gathering data related to risk intelligence.

Risk Intelligence Quotient (RQ) is a measure of a person's ability to estimate probabilities accurately. People with high risk intelligence tend to make better predictions than those with low RQ.
The test consists of 50 statements which may be true or false. Your task is to say how likely you think it is that each statement is true.
The test takes about five minutes to complete.

The reader is told "This test is rather unusual in that you can score very highly even if you don’t know much. That’s because this test measures self-knowledge rather than factual knowledge. It rewards you for gauging your own level of uncertainty accurately, rather than for knowing a bunch of facts."

With the optimism of a newbie, off I went to take the test. It did take me a little longer than 5 minutes as there were some things I had to take a guess at. At the end of the test, my RQ came to 71/100 - average - disappointing: I had thought of myself as such a risk taker. But I guess in truth I am quite conservative most of the time.

You are given the choice of whether your results are added to their data collection or not.

Flux is an interesting blog to follow. It is a collaborative blog with a number of contributors, and the posts are often quite thought provoking.

Today's writer Dan Such says "I’m interested in how this relates to the complex domain of educational change – where the implications of doing, or not doing, something differently are hard to distinguish.  It is often easy to recognise the benefits and problems with a current approach to educational practice, but difficult to judge the benefits and problems of alternative ways of acting.  How good are we as a sector in making judgements about the benefits and challenges of new approaches?  How risk intelligent are we?"

Posted via email from You Are Never Alone (on posterous)

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