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Thursday, 3 March 2011

2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes - celebrating school science

Entries for the 2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, Australia's premier national science awards program, are now open.

Celebrating school science in two ways:
1. For the students
Have your students create a short film on any science topic to be in the running for cash prizes and fame. Enter the University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize for primary and secondary students.
For info go to http://eureka.australianmuseum.net.au/enter and select the primary or secondary category. And don't forget that there are resources online to help get you  started

2. For the teachers
Do you know an outstanding secondary science or mathematics teacher, one who motivates and inspires students? Enter yourself or nominate a colleague for the Industry & Investment NSW Eureka Prize for Science or Mathematics Teaching.
For info go to http://eureka.australianmuseum.net.au/eureka-prize/science-or-mathematics-teaching

Entries close midnight AEST Friday 6 May.
Do you have a question about our school science program, or need help with an entry or nomination? Contact eureka@austmus.gov.au or phone 02 9320 6483

Posted via email from You Are Never Alone

1 comment:

Lynda Kelly said...

Thnx for posting this. We also have a Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/eurekaprizes) and Twitter account (http://twitter.com/#!/eurekaprizes) that you can follow for more updates.

Hope to see plenty of entries from your neck of the woods!