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Friday, 4 February 2011

Online Projects for school students

2011 the International Year of Forests

A new global project Forests: a global perspective is now available at http://www.ozprojects.edu.au/course/view.php?id=172
This project aims to engage students in a celebration of forests and increase their understanding of the global issue of sustainable use of forests for 2011 the International Year of Forests. It includes activities and resources for students from lower primary to lower secondary.

For more information or assistance please email ozprojects@edna.edu.au

2011 International Year of Chemistry

Water-A Chemical Solution: A Global Experiment for the International Year of Chemistry is an activity that unites students around the globe to participate in activities that highlight the role that chemistry plays in issues of water quality and purification. A project for both primray and secondary students.


Posted via email from You Are Never Alone

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