The iNet (International Networking for Educational Transformation) online conference for education professionals in all countries will commence next Monday 1 November at 12.01am (* UK time). The topic for this eight-day conference is ‘digital literacy’.
This interactive conference will feature, in addition to a range of excellent papers and multimedia presentations from around the world, online discussion boards that will be open 24/7. There are also two ‘question and answer’ ‘hotseats’ - the first hosted by Professor Yong Zhao and the second by Mr John Davitt. To participate in this internet e-vent, which is provided by iNet at no cost, please register online at:*The conference website address will be emailed to all registrants a few hours before the conference commences on Monday. No passwords or user names will be required.Please don’t hesitate to contact Debra Brydon if you have any queries about this conference or suggestions for future online conferences. * Late contributions may be considered for possible publication if they arrive via email by Sunday 31 October.Best wishes,Debra Brydon
iNet online conference manager
Skype: brydon.d
Mobile: Int. + 61 413 009988
Hotseat ‘question and answer’ sessions
Professor Yong Zhao 9.00–10.00am (GMT) Wednesday 3 November 2010
Read Prof. Zhao's think piece — Technology and the virtual world are the new reality
View Prof. Zhao's presentation — Schools as Global Enterprises: Cultivating Global Competence
John Davitt 2.00–4.00pm (GMT) Thursday 4 November 2010
Read John Davitt's think piece — Playing 'Difference Bingo'
1. Literacy for all
Byron M. Lawson Jr. St Mark's School of Texas, Dallas, Texas, USA
2. Computers meet classroom, classroom wins
Jim Fanning, Tideway School., East Sussex, England, United Kingdom
3. Playing 'Difference Bingo'
John Davitt, United Kingdom
4. Digital literacy and 21st century learning
Gail Bousaleh, Global English Teaching Pty Ltd & Hunter Community College, New South Wales, Australia
5. You can teach a dog new tricks (they just don't have to be too tricky!)
Gina Blackberry and Debbie Koh, Griffith University & St Aidan's Girls School, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
6. Digital literacy: what skills do teachers and students require?
Riaz Ahmed, Aga Khan School, Garden, Karachi, Pakistan
7. 'We are of the internet'
Anne Mirtschin, Hawkesdale P-12 College, Hawkesdale, Victoria, Australia
8. Using new technology to transform learning
Sadia Khan, Aga Khan School, Garden , Karachi, Pakistan
9. Assessing 21st century skills with digital portfolios
Ralph Jasparro & Joseph Maruszczak, Rhode Island, USA
10. Becoming digitally literate
Jillian Dellit, J & J Dellit and Associates, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
11. Digital literacy: key questions
Jill E. Margerison, Queensland, Australia
12. Intelligent and safe use of new learning technologies
Kiran Fareed, Aga Khan School, Garden, Karachi, Pakistan
13. Digital literacy: a reality at our doorstep
Nivedita Shori, Corliss Public School, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
14. Digital literacy and 21st century learning
Gail Dyer, Belmore South Public School, New South Wales, Australia
15. Encouraging the intelligent and safe use of new technologies
Akhter un Nisa, Aga Khan School, Garden, Karachi, Pakistan
16. Technologically supported learning: what some children think
Henry Gray, Leanyer School, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
17. Developing the use of new technology to transform learning
Mirza Hadi Ali Baig, Aga Khan School, Garden, Karachi, Pakistan
18. New technology: bridging the rural-urban educational divide
Sembuya Serunjogi Hakim, Baitiredi, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Videos and stimulus resources
1. Digital literacy: some provocation questions
Anna Craft, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, United Kingdom
2. Digital literacy and trust: a provocative think piece
Margo Greenwood and Claire Craft, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, United Kingdom
3. Digital literacy: what's real? A provocative question
Margo Greenwood and Claire Craft, University of Exeter, Exeter, England, United Kingdom
4. Empowering learners and learning through ICT
Students, Aga Khan School, Garden, Karachi, Pakistan
Slide presentations
1. Digital literacy — How to build it in teachers through professional development
Jason Cooper
2. Technology and transformative learning in the 21st century
Daithí Ó Murchú, Scoil An Cheathrair Álainn – Ladyswell National School, Dublin, Ireland
Poster display
1. Evidence-based physical guidelines for wise use of computers by children
Leon Straker, Pete Johnson, Jack Dennerlein & Robin Burgess-Limerick, Australia and USA
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