Watchers are tipping that the recent plunge by Google into e-books is going to change the way the e-book market works.
Well, for those of us In Australia, not much is changed as yet.
Here is the first thing I saw as I explored the Google eBookstore.
The latest Google eBooks are not available for sale in your location, yet...
Google is working with publishers around the world to let you buy the latest ebooks from top authors. In the meantime, you can still browse millions of free and public domain Google eBooks and read them effortlessly across your devices.Learn more
It looks like you're located outside of the United States. Although you're welcome to read about Google eBooks, please note that Google eBooks are only available for sale to customers in the U.S. at this time.
So my question on availability was answered.
My other question was - what format are the books in?
Google eBooks can be read with any dedicated eBook reader that supports the Adobe eBook platform, including the Barnes & Noble Nook™ and Readers™ from Sony. More than 85 devices support the Adobe eBook platform today including Reader™ from Sony devices (PRS-300 - PRS-700), Aluratek Libre, Astak EZ Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook™ and Nook Color™, BeBook, Bookeen, COOL-ER, Elonex eBook, HanLin eBook, IREX Digital Reader, Neolux Nuut, and more.
Currently, Google eBooks are not compatible with Amazon Kindle devices, though we are open to supporting them in the future.
So the format is not really epub - it is Adobe Digital Editions.
So in answer to the question I posed at the beginning in my subject line: no, Google ebooks will not make a difference to me at this stage.
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